Thursday, February 15, 2007

Shopping in the rain

You may have noticed that I'm not averse to Ye Olde Big Boxxe or Ye Olde Cheape Shoppe. Truth to tell, I do believe they (a) stifle creative expression and (b) get us addicted to cheap, third-world-produced (often but not always a bad thing) products and (c) make shopping areas all the same.

However, I have no money and I like clothes. Until I am famous enough to be given free samples from all the wonderful indie boutiques and designers, I will wear this. (Well, actually, I won't, because I already have a rain coat. But, you know, I would.)



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to pick up a good raincoat, let me know and I can get you a discount at Al's Attire in North Beach. Custom tailoring with a decidedly retro bent. Even if you want to go check it out, drop me a line.

12:58 PM  

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